Monday, November 10, 2014

Leaf Peeping in October

Coos Canyon near Rumford, Maine
On weekends in October, we experience some of the best days of the year in the hills around Western Maine.  The fall foliage hits its peak usually on the first two weeks of October.   Optimal views depend on temperature, rainfall, and winds.  What is truly remarkable is that there aren't crowds of tourists around like we have all summer long.  Some smart travelers are well aware of the value and make reservations a whole year in advance.  We picked a perfect day to visit the Rangeley Lakes Region and Coos Canyon near Rumford.  Lots of requests for reservations on weekends from folks coming down from Canada and up from Massachusetts...

There are also a couple very well known fairs in Maine at this time of year as well.  The Fryeburg Fair in Fryeburg runs the first week of October and there is also the Common Ground Fair in late September in Unity, Maine.

Hunting season arrives in November along with  shorter days, colder rains, and occasional snow.  The mood shifts to getting indoors and playing in the studio!